So me & my homie from Belgium DJ PSAR were talking the other day about this mixtape collabo we've been planning to do together for a while now. We've FINALLY decided that we're gonna drop it this November as he'll be doing a Canadian Tour (his 3rd this year...awww yeahhh) and we (4KORNERS) will be doing another overseas tour as well (World Tour this time...not just Europe). Sooooo timing seems perfect to release the CD at that time. We decided to name the CD "ACROSS THE UNIVERSE" based on the fact that together we're touring all over the the planet and also it's the name of a classic BEATLES song & also the title of a Beatles based movie I recently saw by the same title "ACROSS THE UNIVERSE" (Note: It's a musical, and oddly enough, I hate musicals...just talk...why u gotta break into song about shit?...however I HIGHLY recommend this one. SOOO DOPE!) Skip ahead, skip ahead, yadda yadda yadda....we can't call it that b/c I TOTALLY forgot that JUSTICE, one of my favorite DJ/producer teams from France, is releasing a documentary DVD called "A CROSS THE UNIVERSE" and also doing a world tour by that same name. Needless to say, I'd feel like a biter if we did it now, cuz they did it first. So I repeat....DAMMIT!!!!
I'm not THAT upset though (upset....UPSAR lol...inside joke :p), b/c they're DVD looks NUTZ!!!!! I've posted the trailer below. Big shouts to my homeboi DJ PSYCHOLOGY from Montreal for web link. Make sure you check his blog out as well. It's hawt shyt! www.DJPSYCHOLOGY77.blogspot.com
Here it is....
Absolutely RI-DUNK-U-LOUS!!!!
Be sure to check JUSTICE out in Toronto on WED OCT 29 @ CIRCA!
And for more info, peep:
....that dope musical I was telling u about.
The trailer doesn't REALLY do the movie justice (ahha) but trust me, watch it! If u take it in an don't like it, u SUCK! Just kidding :) ...kinda.
And since I love sharing, here's my favorite JUSTICE music video.
What the heck...here's one more:
nice post
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