What's going on people,
I'm just stopping in to write a quick note about business. I know our job looks like basically one big party after another, and it seems like my biggest worry is whether or not I'll drink too much and end up with my head in the toilet at the end of the night, but I'm here to tell you that there's much MUCH more to what we do than you may think.
The club business is exactly that, A BUSINESS! A big money business at that. And as such, there is a fair bit of Politics & Bullshit that we have to deal with. I'll admit, we've been fortunate enough not to have run into any super major roadblocks, but shit has definitely hit the fan a few times in our day. Paying your dues, rolling with the punches and countless other cliches definitely apply. I realize that I'm rambling at this point, but trust me, there's always a method to my madness.
This is an open message to ALL who are involved in the club business, and in business in general. It actually applies pretty much to all aspects of life. BE CLEAR!!!!! That's it. Simple and plain. BE CLEAR!!!! Comminication is KEY! Too many people dodge dealing with issues, are afraid to say what they really mean and/or what really needs to be said. Things would run so much more smoothly in this world if everyone would just SPIT! Say what you mean, even if you know the receiver of your message is not gonna like it. I've learned in my time on this planet that you can't please everyone all the time. Sometimes people are simply not going to like what you have to say, but alot of the time, these things need to be said. So just SPIT! I, by nature, am a straight talker. I'm not saying that I've never lied, or been dishonest, nobody's perfect. But I generally don't have any trouble saying what I mean. I may come off rude or insensitive at times, i understand, but at least its the real deal. You may not like what I have to say always, but you will definitely respect the fact that I have the balls to say it. I'm a hard-ass, ESPECIALLY when it comes to business. Most of us are working towards common goals in the club biz. Have fun, make a difference, make some loot, meet interesting people, travel the world, get home safe. If we are all clear with each other, we can all reach these goals more often than not.
My apologies for the rant, I just had to vent. Had some interesting issues last night. Again, our lives & jobs may seem like it's all fun & games (don't get me wrong, it's AWESOME, we love it & that's why we do it) but there's more to it than meets the eye.
BE CLEAR people!
That said, let me lighten the mood a lil with one of my fav clips from one of my fav shows, SOUTH PARK! This has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I just wrote, but it's funny as shit :)
I love south park too! can't wait for the new season!
nice post
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