Today I took kind of a lil sabbatical / "personal day". It's 7:45pm and I'm on the computer for the 1st time all day. (I have been on the damn Blackberry though...fakkk!) Due to the live I lead, I'm constantly fielding questions like "When do you ever sleep?" and "Do you ever take a break?" etc etc. The answer is, you're absolutely right. It's tiring, but I love what I do and have so many more personal goals to reach that I sometimes don't realize how hard I'm pushing myself. I'll survive. I'm just a bit too ambitious for my own good I guess.
That said, today was one of those days that I decided to curl up on the couch with my blanket & veg. Watched a bit of TV, and let the TV watch me sleep. Didn't even play any ROCK BAND. I' still a lil tired now, but after a stretch of 12 days with 12 shows in 5 cities (3 provinces), I think I deserve a lil breather. Might just take another one tomorrow. In fact, I technically don't work again until Sunday, which is AWESOME! I have tons of things to do b/w now & then, but I'll get them done at my chosen pace. Enough rambling about my pathetic little fatigue issues. Here's what we've been up to!
When last we spoke I'd just returned from GREY CUP WEEKEND in Montreal. Since then we (Short Sirkit & I) have done a few Raptors games, a few corporate events, and clubs in Toronto, London & Calgary! The AWESOMEST as always was OPUS in Calgary aka CAL-CUN! Here are some pics!

Prime timessss! Last night we did it up at ROCKWOOD w/ our special guest & homie from Belgium, DJ PSAR! If you don't know him yet, you're not paying attention! This was his only Toronto date on this Canadian tour, and he ripped it up and made me proud like he always does! Peep it!

This party was also the birthday celebration for my good friend, soon to be super model JILLIAN ELLE, and was hosted by PAGE of Smoke & Mirrors Records! The dude has some fire! Here's his video for the track "BALLIN IS MY HOBBY" Check him out. He also has a CRAZY track w/ DRAKE called "I"M STILL FLY"> I pretty much play this track every party that I spin. DOPENESS! Anyway, peep the vid!
On a personal note, taking time out from m busy schedule always gives me time to think, evaluate & figure out my next moves, in life, love & business. Today I'm feeling the sting of various bad choices I've made over the years. No regrets really, (well maybe some regrets) but I was once told that the choices that we make, both good & bad, have led us to where we are today. And despite my wishing that I'd made a few different choices along my path, I can honestly say that I'm somewhat okay with where I am. I'm grateful for all that I am and that I've accomplished, and things could be a whole lot worse. But still i yearn for a deeper sense of satisfaction. Hopefully I'll get there....
nice post
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nice post
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