So we missed probably the most exciting NBA game of the season thus far b/w our RAPTORS & the damn New Jersey Nets. Kinda glad we weren't there to see Vince shit on us once again. FAKK!!!! I feel like he only puts any effort forth when he's playing against us, and just coasts the rest of the time, all season, every season....FAKKKKK!!!!
HOWEVER, we missed the game for a good cause. Spinning at the MAXIM GREY CUP PLAYERS PARTY in Montreal! This was the 2nd year MAXIM has done a Grey Cup party, and they called 4K back to do it again after we nearly toppled the CN Tower over during last years' party. Ya, it was THAT nutz! This year it was held at Montreal's JUST FOR LAUGHS MUSEUM! Wicked venue, not quite as awesome as CN Tower, but dope enough for a great party!
Open bar, TONS of food, multiple lounge areas, a mini football field, Nintendo Wii games and le piece de resistance....ROCK BAND on a GIGANTIC SCREEN!!!!! Oh ya, and 4KORNERS tore up the party alongside our good MTL homie DJ PSYCHOLOGY! Btw...DJ Psychology + 4KORNERS = PSYCHO 4ORCE!!!! Watch out!!!! BIG SHOUTS to Stacey & the entire staff for putting on such a SMASHTASTIC event!
That was Friday. Saturday night we slept allllllllll day, went to dinner with our homegirl / Eastern Canada booking agent Sharon at OM, one of my fav restaurants, then did a lil club hop! Went to see teh homie STARTING FROM SCRATCH rip it up at the Scotiabank Pro Players Party, then over to TOKYO BAR to rock it with Psychology one more time. I was wayyyy hammered, so Shorts just rocked the mic for a bit & that was that.
No time for sleep, we caught the 6:30am flight back to Toronto, changed clothes & headed down to the ACC to spin the RAPTORS vs. Celtics game...which our Raps lost HARD :( Sighhhhh, gotta get it together!
Tonight's ROCKWOOD, and we have yet another busy week ahead with shows in London, Toronto & Calgary 3 days back to back to back, and we end it off with the annual Town Shoes corporate Christmas party on Sunday (our 5th or 6th year doing it...can't remember)
I'm getting tired just writing this, so here. Peep some pics from this past weekend!

And here's my FAVORITE moment of the weekend. This strange dude in a yellow jumpsuit somehow crashed the MAXIM party and was HILARIOUS!!!!!! Had us dying of laughter almost literally lol.

Wanna see what made us laugh so much?
And here's a much better video from TSN covering the party!
AND as promised..here are a few pics from the MISS BIKINI CANADA party at ROCKWOOD last Monday!

That's enough for one day! Hit u later this week with the details for our upcoming showssss!!!!!
nice post
Fakta Penyakit Miom
nice post
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