Today's the day that American's decide if they are ready for a Black president. I'm not only in favor of Barack Obama because he is Black, however I'm not going to lie and say it isn't a factor. But what he has been preaching is the truth. "Old Politics" have been done to death, and have failed. It's a new day, and you can;t keep doing the same things over & over expecting new results in this ever changing world. And what better way to symbolize that change than a Black President. Historically, Black people were brought to America as slaves & treated as lesser members of society for hundreds of years. The Civil Rights Movement occurred less than 50 years ago, and racism still lives on. But it's time for change.
I don't believe that Barack Obama is going to solve all of the world's problems, or even all of America's problems. I do however believe that if he follows through on his promises, he will be taking things in the right direction for future generations to continue on with. I read an interesting line today....
"Rosa Parks SAT so that Martin Luther King Jr could MARCH. Martin MARCHED so that Barack Obama could RUN!"
Each individual that makes a positive change helps pave the way for the next. I'm watching the poll coverage on CNN right now, and he's winning. This actually might happen. This is history!
nice post
Fakta Penyakit Miom
nice post
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nice post
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