My apologies for not updating you on our adventures. This waffle pic above is straight jacked from the internet too. We've been wayyyy busy and I totally forgot my cable to connect the camera to my computer. NOT MAKING EXCUSES....but expect the real when we get home and I get my shyt together.
Just know that the tour is going AWESOME and we got tons of pics, video & stories for y'all!
On behalf of myself & my partner Short Sirkit, we want to wish everyone a fun & safe holiday season! Make sure u spend time with family & friends, eat some good food and sleep sleep sleep :)
As for us, we're hitting the road once again on yet another Euro Tour. This one's called the 4KORNERS CREPES & WAFFLES TOUR as we'll be hitting up France & Belgium.
Here are the tour details:
Thurs Dec 25 - THE BOUNCE MIX w/ DJ SEROM on Contact Radio (Lille, France)
Fri Dec 26 - NOXX (Antwerp, Belgium)
Sat Dec 27 - THE CLUB on Contact Radio (Lille, France)
Sat Dec 27 - ZOO CLUB (Brussels, Belgium)
Sun Dec 28 - FUN RADIO INT'L ALL- STAR Episode w/ DJ Psar-Brussels, Belgium, DJ Snake-Paris, France, DJ Waxfiend-Amsterdam, Holland, and yours truly repping Toronto, Canada. (Brussels, Belgium)
Sun Dec 28 - CARRE (Antwerp, Belgium)
I'll be blogging the entire tour as well as we'll have a videographer following us so you're basically ALL coming on tour with us :) COOL BEANS!!!!
In the spirit of the season, here's a lil gift from us to you. We'll be appearing on CONTACT RADIO in France on our homie DJ SEROM's show called "The BOUNCE Mix" tomorrow (Christmas Day). This one is a pre-record b/c we won't arrive in France time. So....we're giving it to you now!
I've never been one for awards, but it is a good feeling to be recognized by your peers. I'm saying this because last night we won our 2nd DJ award this year. If you remember, in the summer we won 2008 CANADIAN CLUB DJ of the YEAR at the Stylus DJ Awards. I'm gonna be honest and say I did NOT expect to win that award. But we did and everyone, both in & out of the biz, all congratulated us on some "You guys deserve this" tip, which was mad cool.
Aaaanyway, last night the TORONTO NIGHTCLUB AWARDS took place and we were fortunate enough to take home the title of 2008 BEST TORONTO DJ (Urban). Cool beans! I've said it again & again, we DO NOT consider ourselves to be "Urban" DJs, but considering the other category was BEST HOUSE DJ, it only makes sense that we'd be lumped into the Urban category.
All in all, we're thankful to all that voted, all who support & encourage us in what we do, everyone who's helped us along the way directly or indirectly and I'd personally like to thank my partner Short Sirkit for going every step of the way with me on this journey. It's not always easy, but we are extremely passionate about what we do, put in ALOT of hours and always focus on improvement. He pushes me just as much as I push him, and that's why it works.
We don't do what we do to win awards, but we are definitely appreciative of the acknowledgment.
On behalf of myself & Shorts,
Thank you!
P.S. I wish we actually got a championship belt instead of a trophy! Aww well....
On a recent tour of Western Canada, I stopped in and did an interview with the good people at HUNT.FM, a Vancouver based radio show which broadcasts worldwide on the net. Aaaanyway, this was my 2nd appearance on the show and was a blast. Hosts DJ Hunt & Jenno are good peoples, so it's a fun interview and I threw down a lil mix as well. Like to hear it go!
On another note, last night we played a private/invite only industry event at Berkley Church, and it was absolutely OFF THE HOOOOOOK!!!! Probably the best suited DJ Line-up for such an event in Toronto, 4KORNERS & DJ UNDERCOVER (aka The INCREDIBLES) on 4 turntables, Manzone & Strong & our boy Marko Bongo!!!! INSANITY!!!! Didn't have time to take any pics b/c it was so hectic (plus we had to rush straight there from the Raptors / Nets game...which we lost....grrrr) to the club so there was very little time to breathe much less take pics. There were tons of cameras flashing though, so when I find some pics, I'll post them.
Wed - Raptors vs. Mavericks @ ACC Thurs - Body English Fri- Reign Nightclub w/ Mike Toste Sat - Hotel
Next week is Christmas, hope you all have had time to do your gift shopping, i certainly haven't :p Gotta get my ass in gear! We'll talk again b4 then, but i'll say it anyway.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Everyone be safe, have fun, spend time with family & eat lots of goooood foood!
The homie DJ PSAR has been in town all week, and since we ROCKED the spot called ROCKWOOD on Monday, I've been playing the role of tour guide, showing him around T.O by day & by night. We've been club hopping, eating good food & yesterday we went up the CN TOWER which I hardly EVERRRR do! It's funny how much we all take things for granted. One of the world's most amazing buildings, the symbol of our beloved T-Dot, which most of us see at least a couple times a week, and we never really take advantage until we have out-of-towners to show around. All I can say is...DOPE!!!! I HEART T.O!
On another note, BIG SHOUTS to the one called BUSTA RHYMES! Over 20 years in the game and my dude is still relevant, and still KILLING IT! is new track ARAB MONEY w/ Ron Brownz , yup, the dude that gave us POP CHAMPAGNE, is about to be THE TRACK in the clubs, some of y'all just don't know it yet. And that's what I'm here for!
Step 1 - Peep the video below
Step 2 - Learn The Dance (very mom can do it)
Step 3 - When I drop it in the clubs, DO THAT SHIT, DO THAT SHIT, DO IT!!!!
It's about that time once again where I share a lil bit of my musical taste with you. This time I'm drawing your attention to a group that in my opinion FUKKIN ROCK!!!! They go by the name LET'S GO TO WAR and are a Toronto based Electro Hip Hop act / production team / DJ crew! I actually go way back with one of teh members, but didn't know this was his new thing until he hit me up one day like..."Yeah..that's me!" I was like "OOOMYGAWWW" and so on & so forth lol. In short, I'd been banging a few of their racks & didn't even know that my friend that I hadn't seen in ages was actually in the group.
AAAANYWAY, they've been touring all over & I finally caught them opening for SANTOGOLD in here in Toronto a lil while back. AWESOME show! I'm gonna stop gushing now & let u peep them out for yourself. Here's a mixtape that they recently dropped mixed by RYNECOLOGIST , full of they're original tracks, some of they're remixes & a butt load of other goodies!
Today I took kind of a lil sabbatical / "personal day". It's 7:45pm and I'm on the computer for the 1st time all day. (I have been on the damn Blackberry though...fakkk!) Due to the live I lead, I'm constantly fielding questions like "When do you ever sleep?" and "Do you ever take a break?" etc etc. The answer is, you're absolutely right. It's tiring, but I love what I do and have so many more personal goals to reach that I sometimes don't realize how hard I'm pushing myself. I'll survive. I'm just a bit too ambitious for my own good I guess.
That said, today was one of those days that I decided to curl up on the couch with my blanket & veg. Watched a bit of TV, and let the TV watch me sleep. Didn't even play any ROCK BAND. I' still a lil tired now, but after a stretch of 12 days with 12 shows in 5 cities (3 provinces), I think I deserve a lil breather. Might just take another one tomorrow. In fact, I technically don't work again until Sunday, which is AWESOME! I have tons of things to do b/w now & then, but I'll get them done at my chosen pace. Enough rambling about my pathetic little fatigue issues. Here's what we've been up to!
When last we spoke I'd just returned from GREY CUP WEEKEND in Montreal. Since then we (Short Sirkit & I) have done a few Raptors games, a few corporate events, and clubs in Toronto, London & Calgary! The AWESOMEST as always was OPUS in Calgary aka CAL-CUN! Here are some pics!
Prime timessss! Last night we did it up at ROCKWOOD w/ our special guest & homie from Belgium, DJ PSAR! If you don't know him yet, you're not paying attention! This was his only Toronto date on this Canadian tour, and he ripped it up and made me proud like he always does! Peep it!
This party was also the birthday celebration for my good friend, soon to be super model JILLIAN ELLE, and was hosted by PAGE of Smoke & Mirrors Records! The dude has some fire! Here's his video for the track "BALLIN IS MY HOBBY" Check him out. He also has a CRAZY track w/ DRAKE called "I"M STILL FLY"> I pretty much play this track every party that I spin. DOPENESS! Anyway, peep the vid!
On a personal note, taking time out from m busy schedule always gives me time to think, evaluate & figure out my next moves, in life, love & business. Today I'm feeling the sting of various bad choices I've made over the years. No regrets really, (well maybe some regrets) but I was once told that the choices that we make, both good & bad, have led us to where we are today. And despite my wishing that I'd made a few different choices along my path, I can honestly say that I'm somewhat okay with where I am. I'm grateful for all that I am and that I've accomplished, and things could be a whole lot worse. But still i yearn for a deeper sense of satisfaction. Hopefully I'll get there....