People, people, people!
To fully describe the past 3 days would take ALOT more than I have time to write, so you're getting the condensed version!
As I told u b4, the city is AWESOME! The hotel/resort we stayed at was AWESOME! The beach party...AWESOME!!!!! Imagine partying on a beach in the south of Italy to the sounds of a drunk ass DJ crew by the name of 4KORNERS! AND I lost my shirt! It gets no better :) The next day we slept til about 4pm, then headed to ROME. Pretty much teh only thing that sucked was the 5am pizza stand the basically served us dough with tomato paste & a small circle of cheese on top. WORST PIZZA EVERRRRR, but being hammered & hungry at 5am with no other options, i totally ate 2 slices lol. BIG SHOUTS to K*Blast, Andrew, DJ Carmela, the entire REAL SOUND PROJECT and everyone who we met in Napoli.
So Friday afternoon we took the train to Rome & met up with our new homie Karima who took EXCELLENT care of us, despite the fact that she had a wedding to go to teh next day AND exams to study for. Kari, you're awesome! We saw the COLLOSSEUM, ate a great Italian meal, met up with some of her peeps at CAMPO DE FIORE , ate THE BEST ICE CREAM EVER and went to a few parties. NO we didn't end up playing in ROME due to some very VERY bad timing, but we'll definitely be back to DOOOO THISSSS next time we're back in Europe, which might be December as a few clubs have already made offers :) We ended up at a spot called NICE which was sickkkk!!!!! Big shouts to Black Solo, DJ Coco, Serge, Henry & the whole squad! And again, a GIGANTIC shout & thank you to Karima!
Back again in Paris, France, but this time we had a lil more time to spend than our last visit. Rocked the house at GIBUS CLUB alongside resident DJ KISS and got a chance to hang out with our homie BIG JOURVIL, who is absolutely THE BEST! Love that guy (no homo). Also met his roomate "Jeweler's Son" who is pretty awesome himself lol. BIG SHOUTS all around & a very special shout goes to our new homie JENN & her sour cousin Caroline who we met at the club & were soooo glad to hear they were from Montreal :) Jenn spoke perfect english which was SOOOO refreshing after almost a week of playing CHARADES with people across Europe, trying to make them understand what I'm saying (Hands...tired... :p)
And that brings us today. We spent site seeing in Paris. Saw the EIFFEL TOWER again, but this time we also strolled up the CHAMPS ELYSEES, where i bought the absolute ILLEST Air Jordan Spizikes EVERRRR! (Thank you Nike Paris). We say ARC DE TRIOMPHE and the CATHEDRAL DE NOTRE DAME. Basically the BIG 3 of French monuments. (DAMN my blog is educational lol). After that, we hit the tracks back ro Brussels where we are now.
About to get ready to go out & party on our last night off here in Europe, as tomorrow we make our return to CARRE in Antwerp.
TONS of pics....patience is a virtue ;)
Bon Soir!
nice post
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