As some of you may know, we're leaving on a jet plane once again, about to embark on yet another European tour. EURO TOUR 3 actually, although I feel the need to come up with a better name than that. Perhaps i'll give it some thought on the 7 HOUR PLANE RIDE to Brussels :S
This time we'll be doing 4 shows across Belgium, 1 in France (Paris of course), and 4 across Italy. SOooooOOoooooo excited!
As long as I have access to the internet, i will be blogging at least every other day, letting u know what we've seen, done & what trouble we're getting into. Expect tons of pics & even some short video clips. YAYERRRR!!!!
Here's our crazy lil scedule:
July 4 - Ingelmunster, Belgium
July 5 - Courtai, Belgium
July 6 - Milan, Italy
July 8 - Florence, Italy
July 9 - Naples, Italy
July 10 - Brussels, Belgium
July 11 - Paris, France
July 12 - Rome, Italy
July 13 - Antwerp, Belgium
Gonna be eating TONS of waffles, crepes & pasta! Can;t wait :)
And while on the topic of North American's invading the European music scene this week, here's a clip of the homie JAY-Z performing at the GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL in the UK. A certain member of the group OASIS didn't like the fact that Jay would be performing at this "rock" concert, but I think it's safe to say he MORE than proved that he belonged. He even helped their record sales a touch by mockingly opening his set with their hit WONDERWALL Can't be stopped! Good music is just GOOD MUSIC and BLACK music knows no boundaries! Checkitout!
nice post
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