We all know that I suck at frequently blogging, so let's not even bother bringing it up. It is what it is. Consider this a "Catch Up" post :)
Soooo it's been yet another busy week. Played some tunes, drank some liquids, yadda yadda yadda lol. TRYST was dope last week as I spun along side the homie JED*I for the 1st time in ages. The week before we did a show at CHEVAL with our dude DJ UNDERCOVER which is always fun. We hit up OPUS in Calgary this past Sunday and I lost my shirt again lol, POP CHAMPAGNE! Ohhh the life. Strange but true!
This weekend is ram jam with events. Last night we played the Raptors/Cavs game (Shawn Marion Raptors debut!) then we spun a fashion show & afterparty at Reign. Coming up is as follows:
Thurs - Body English
Fri - Reign
Sat - Circa
Sun - Raptors vs. Knicks
Sun - Lobby
Mon - Rockwood (w/ DJ PSAR)
Tues - Raptors vs. Timberwolves
AND on Wednesday we head on our next European Adventure1 5 SHOWS, 4 COUNTRIES!
I'm not in a talkative mood, so here are some pics from our recent exploits....

nice post
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nice post
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