YESSSSSS i knowwwww i knowwww, I said I would blog regularly and here I am a full month & change later. Booourns! That said, this is going to be a SUPER CONDENSED update of what we've been up to over the past 30-odd days.
Here's it goes:
- MONTREAL: played @ Orchid, got some REALLY good shopping done, hung out with some good homies and discovered wine & cheese.
- CALGARY: NBA 3on3 got rained out (but we still get paid..score!), met a new member of the extended DJ fam DJ SPRYTE, played OPUS, drank a full bottle of champagne (and various other beverages...damn i was thirsty lol), and lost my shirt AGAIN!
TORONTO: Played prob the BEST BOAT CRUISE EVER, residencies all going great, won the Stylus award for CANADIAN CLUB DJ of the YEAR, packed up & headed West!
WHISTLER: Did the drive from Vancouver to Whistler and back twice in order to play 2 parties, got hammered, met a Playboy Bunny, saw a bear and watched DJ Tanner break furniture in blind drunken musical excitement (fuk yo couch!).
VANCOUVER: Did a lil shopping, alot of eating, NBA 3on3, played PLUSH, appeared on THE BEAT radio, hung out with our doods FACTION SOUND CREW & our overseas homie DJ PSAR from Belgium, enjoyed some well deserved down time!
CALGARY...again: Enjoyed some Alberta Beef, destroyed OPUS again, invented Purple Crush, kept my shirt on this time :)
EDMONTON: Played back to back nights at EMPIRE BALLROOM, appeared on THE BOUNCE radio, NBA 3on3, hung out at West Edmonton Mall...briefly, did some shopping at FOOSH, went to a Filipino BBQ, bumped into the homies ILLO, JR FLO & FIRE KID STEENIE, flew home just in time to get to the MUCHMUSIC AWARDS AFTERPARTY 20 mins late :)
TORONTO: Played the MMVA Afterparty @ ULTRA SUPPER CLUB alongside STEVE AOKI (Brody Jenner is a big T.I. fan), Shorts hosted at Century Room alongside the homie DJ UNDERCOVER, slept in my own bed :)
LONDON (Ontario lol): NBA 3on3 2 days in a row, with drives to T.O. in between...sooo tiring...Shorts got a speeding ticket (cop was a PRICk...surprise surprise)
AND....that pretty much brings us up to date.
But enough talk...will post some pics real soon. Maybe today or tomorrow...promise...pinky swear :)
nice post
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nice post
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