Ahhhhhhh, the time has come! The start of another tour. I'm just about to head to the airport to meet up with the homie Short Sirkit as we embark on yet another trip to the west coast. HOPING & PRAYING for some good weather this time, last time was sogggyyyy :p
We're off 2nite, but gonna go DOOOO THISSSS in Whistler. Oh yes, there will be pics ;)
WOW, my blog is coming like a video show nowadays. FACKIT!!!! I HAD to post this one.
BRAND NEW KARDINAL OFFISHALL f/ The Clipse "Set It Off"! You can find the track on his upcoming album NOT 4 SALE (in stores soon) as well as on THE BOSS mixtape by yours truly, 4KORNERS, which u can find in an older post right here in this blog OR www.4KRADIO.com (our podcast site)!
And gotta send a BIG shout to our homegirl from Edmonton, Alberta by the name of KREESHA TURNER, who's album PASSION hit stores this week. GO GET IT!
Here are a couple of her video, in case u don't know. CHECK HER OUT!!!!
Ok, so we tour ALOT, especially during the summer months. But we've been here at home in our lovely city of Toronto since we got back from our European tour in July. Approx 5 weeks ago. I love my city, but i must admit, I'm starting to go a lil crazy here. I've gotten so accustomed to traveling, that when I'm grounded for too long I start to lose it.
THANKFULLY we'll be hitting the road again next week for one of our regular West Coast Canadian Tours! YAYYYYY!!!! Here's the sched:
Wed Aug 20 - Republic (Vancouver, BC)
Thurs Aug 21 - Element (Victoria, BC)
Fri Aug 22 - Madhatter's (Grande Prairie, AB)
Sat Aug 23 - Opus (Calgary, AB)
It's a short tour, but much needed! Here are the flyers from this upcoming tour as well as a lil bonus vid from our recent Euro Tour. This should show you a lil bit of whay we love touring so much.
I truly am baffled sometimes at the WIDE range of events that we do. In the same week I DJ'd a party with 3000+ people and Rick Ross on the mic, and just a few days later, a party with 300 people and the Backstreet Boys in attendance lol. WEIRRRRD! But I think it's very cool. We've always been diverse but a couple years ago we specifically set out to make this very clear as a part of our marketing plan, and it appears to have worked. SCORE!
As promised, here's the vid from the Rick Ross party.
Up next! We have a couple more weeks of events here in Toronto, then we'll be hitting our beloved West Coast once again, this time touching down in Vancouver & Victoria BC as well as Grande Prairie & Calgary (Cal-Cun) AB. We're even gonna take a trip up to Whistler on our day off to hang with the homies. Looking fwd to some supremely Prime Timesssssss!
Sorry for the lack of postingssss guysssss. It's been another Crazy Caribana weekend. BIG SHOUTS to everyone who came out to any / all of our events (wuddup stalker lol). I got a pretty sweet video of Rick Ross performing THE BOSS from Saturday night's party @ Polson Pier. I'll post that as soon as I get a sec to upload it.
That was this weekend in Toronto, but u know 4KORNERS stays INTERNATIONAL! A few weeks ago when we were on tour in Europe (again) we recorded a live set on our homie DJ PSAR's radio show PSA RADIO! It's now available online for download so.... like to hear it? Here it go!